Interregional Data Map

Lake Erie Loop Flow
153.5 MW
09.13.2024 9:57:13 EDT
PJM Real-Time Load: 91,607 MW
PJM (MISO): $23.79
3,619 / 1,957 MW
MISO LMP: $19.11
PJM (DEOK): $24.58
Ohio Valley Electric Corporation (OVEC)
PJM (EKPC): $23.96
297 / 92 MW
Louisville Gas and Electric Company (LGEE)
PJM (AEP): $23.96
920 / 145 MW
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
PJM (AEP): $23.96
22 / 0 MW
CPL Retail Energy West (CPLW)
PJM (AEP): $23.96
545 / 219 MW
Duke Energy
PJM (DOM): $23.96
35 / 83 MW
CPL Retail Energy East (CPLE)
PJM (Neptune): $24.95
661 / 660 MW
NYISO (Neptune): $20.36
PJM (Linden): $25.03
313 / 315 MW
NYISO (Linden): $20.38
PJM (Hudson): $25.23
351 / 350 MW
NYISO (Hudson): $20.54
PJM (NYISO): $24.97
975 / 746 MW
NYISO LMP: $20.29
LMP Values
< $10
> $500
Interregional Map Legend the direction of actual flow Interregional Map Legend actual flow is from a lower interface price to
a higher interface price
Interregional Map Legend actual flow is from a higher interface price to
a lower interface price
Interregional Map Legend an interface without a corresponding
external interface price
Interregional Map Legend actual flow across interface Interregional Map Legend scheduled flow across interface

This map shows the flow of electricity into and out of PJM.  The details are zone based showing the flow, interfaces, prices and the real-time load (MW).