Modeling Data

Baseline Cases

In developing the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan (RTEP), PJM annually performs comprehensive power flow, short circuit and stability analyses. These assess the impacts of forecasted firm loads, firm imports from and exports to neighboring systems, existing generation and transmission assets, and anticipated new generation and transmission facilities. PJM conducts a comprehensive assessment of the ability of the PJM system to meet all applicable reliability planning criteria.

View baseline cases This is Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) material that requires an access approval. - requires additional access

New Service Request Files

A key component of PJM’s RTEP process is the assessment of queued generation interconnection requests and the development of transmission upgrade plans to resolve reliability criteria violations. This interconnection assessment ensures the initial deliverability of the respective request. Thereafter, the PJM RTEP process annually completes studies that reveal any transmission expansion upgrades needed to ensure the ongoing deliverability of all generators within PJM.

View specific PJM New Service Request input files This is Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) material that requires an access approval. - requires additional access

Multiregional Modeling Working Group Cases

Recent North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Multiregional Modeling Working Group (MMWG) annual series of baseline cases can be obtained in full or reduced format.

View the MMWG cases access protocol

MOD-032 Modeling Data

For more information on the data requirements and reporting procedures, visit the Planning Modeling Submissions (MOD-032) page.

Transmission planning, modeling & energization training materials can be found on the RTEP Development page.