Effective Documents

The most recently updated, effective Open Access Transmission Tariff, Operating Agreement and Reliability Assurance Agreement ("governing agreement") language is posted on the Governing Documents page.

View the governing documents on file at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Amendments pending at FERC (not yet approved)

The following governing agreement amendment filings were submitted to FERC and are not yet approved by FERC and a version of the conformed governing agreement posted on PJM’s website. The pending language can be found in the filing submitted to FERC and will be added to the conformed tariff once it has been approved and becomes effective.

ER20-2197-003 Motion for Extension of Time, Shortened Answer Period and Request for Expedited Action – Order 881
ER22-1195-000 AEP revisions to PJM OATT Atts. H-14 and H-20 re: AEP-Liberty Util. Transaction
ER22-2200-002 ACE Compliance Filing in ER22-2200
ER24-374-000 regarding revisions on Bilateral Sale of FTRs
ER24-374-002 Compliance Filing Clarify FTR Bilateral Reform in ER24-374
ER24-2960-000 Compliance Filing revising OATT Parts VII and VIII
ER24-2905-000 Revisions to the Schedule Selection Process for Offer Capped Resources
ER24-2336-000 PJM TOs’ Amendments to the CTOA
ER24-2338-000 Revisions to OA Facilitiating PJM Independent 205 Filing Rights
ER24-2885-000 Partial Deployment of Synchronized Reserves Proposal
ER24-2990-000 Revisions to Sch. 12-Appx A: August 2024 RTEP
ER24-1268-002 Compliance Filing revising OATT, Att H-15A
ER24-3121-000 Revisions to Allow Varying Notification Time in the Day-Ahead Market
ER24-3135-000 Revisions for Automating Demand Response Parameters
ER25-19-000 Potomac Edison’s Request for Order Authorizing Abandoned Plant Incentive

Amendments accepted by FERC (not yet effective)

The following governing agreement amendment filings were submitted to FERC and are not yet approved by FERC and a version of the conformed governing agreement posted on PJM’s website. The pending language can be found in the filing submitted to FERC and will be added to the conformed tariff once it has been approved and becomes effective.

ER22-962-000 regarding Order No. 2222 Compliance
ER22-962-004 regarding Order No. 2222 Compliance
ER22-962-005 regarding Order No. 2222 Compliance
ER22-2359-001 regarding Orders No. 881 and 881-A Compliance
ER22-2359-002 regarding Orders No. 881 and 881-A Compliance
ER23-2484-000 regarding Revisions on Market Participation of Hybrid Resources
ER24-1772-000 regarding Regulation Market Redesign
ER24-1803-000 regarding Implementation of Capacity Market Rules Applicable to DER under Order No. 2222